Photograph Restoration

This beautiful portrait which was taken around 1925 has suffered over the years from heavy creasing, dirt collection, scratches and significant fading. The photo has been sympathetically restored, reprinted and now takes pride of place in the owners home.
If you have a cherished photo of a loved one that needs some 'TLC' then please email for a quote. If the photograph is beyond repair we can also scan original negatives and create a new digital image for printing.
Digitising 8mm Film Recording
The original 8mm film clip of a Mackie Academy school trip was recorded in 1965. The pupils were taken on a flight from Aberdeen airport crossing Deeside and the Cairn o' Mount towards Montrose. The returning journey from Montrose passes the coastal villages of Johnshaven and Gourdon then passing very low over the cliffs of Crawton and Dunnottar Castle. Some wonderful landmarks can be clearly identified from the footage: Aberdeen Paper Mill, Rubislaw Quarry, Sunnyside Royal Hospital, McBay Lobster Shed Johnshaven, Todhead Lighthouse, Dunnottar Castle, Stonehaven Outdoor Pool.
The original film was provided by Mr S. Jolly, Digital recording was made by Heidi Blanksma and Neal Murray. Film Editing by A. Blanksma